
This presentation of the Gospel has been used a long time to win many souls to Christ. Restoration Plea Ministries offers many thanks to We Care Ministries and evangelist and director Larry West for this beautiful, simple presentation. We are thrilled to be in this partnership to help spread the Gospel throughout the world! May it be used to the glory of God! And may many souls obey the Gospel!

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Click on image below for teaching tool on the “Original Gospel Message”.

Download printable “Original Gospel Restored” pamphlet here.
For best printing results – choose print on both side and flip on the short side.

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Gospel Presentation in Swahili
The Gospel Presentation in Swahili
Injili kwa Kiswahili

Coming Soon
The Gospel Presentation in Luganda

Gospel Presentation Comic Book from We Care Ministries (English)

Click on image for PDF (opens in a new window)

Gospel Presentation Comic Book from We Care Ministries (Spanish)

Click on image for PDF (opens in a new window)

Gospel Presentation Comic Book from We Care Ministries (Philippines)

Click on image for PDF (opens in a new window)

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.
Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

Theme: Overlay by Kaira